Monday, April 26, 2010

What is CPM, CPC, CPA and CTR ?


CPM means Cost Per Thousand. (M is the Roman numeral for thousand - and so Cost Per Thousand).

This is the amount you will pay the ad-network or website publisher to show your ad a thousand times on their website or across their ad-network.

Whether your ad is shown only once to each visitor (Unique Impressions) or any number of times - is something that you will have to work out with the nad-network or the website.

CPM rates were once (pre yr 2000 bubble-burst era) as much as $75, but have now dropped to as little as $1 CPM.


CPC means Cost Per Click. This is how much you would pay the ad-network or website every time a visitor clicks on your banner. CPC rates can be as high as $3 per click or as little as 5 cents per click. It depends on your product and your market - amongst other factors, the more competition there is - the higher you will probably end up paying as you compete with competitors.


CPA means Cost Per Action. The Action could be any of the following types of actions - A visitor clicking on your banner coming to your site and filling up a simple enquiry form (CPR - Cost Per Registration) , or if the visitor makes a purchase (CPS - Cost Per sale). It could be a flat fee or a percentage commission of the sale made. Affiliate-Networks like commissionjunction , linkshare and clickbank have very good software systems in place to track all this and provide statistics to online merchants and publishers on their network of websites.

I have explained in detail what an Affiliate Network is, in another section. They basically, allow publisher websites to sign up for free so they can start earning commissions on sales arising out of the traffic they send to online merchants. The Affiliate Network tracks all this using their system and code merchants and publishers are required to place on their website. Publishers can sign up for free mostly, and in some cases online Merchants are required to pay a one time setup fee and possibly a monthly fee with commissions - eg. As in commissionjunction. A very popular site that is free to Merchants is Clickbank network.


CTR is Click Through Rate. This is the percentage rate at which people click on your ad banner. If your banner ad is seen by 100 people but clicked by one person - then it's CTR is 1% or .01

Similarly, if your ad banner is seen 100,000 times and in the same time period it is clicked 2000 times - then your banner CTR is 2% or .02 .

This is how we calculate CTR ...

(Number of Clicks / Number of impressions) x 100

Example, for above case it would be -

(2000 / 100,000) x 100 = .02

CPM, CPC or CPA ... which is best for my ad campaign?

Your choice will depend on various factors. Sometimes companies such as Pepsi, would just like to enforce their brand and be seen across many websites, without any need for the user to click on their banners. This is a brand hammering strategy, and a CPM deal would be preferred.

Apart from the above mass branding effort, the decision to go for a CPC, CPM or CPA ad becomes a calculated decision when you have a product that you want to sell on your website.

Would you pay the publisher for only visitors he sends you? or would you pay him for every thousand ads he displays for you?or would you pay him a commission on sales from visitors he sends you?

This is tricky. You may need to read the paragraphs below slowly, or even several times over to get the gist of what I am saying ...

To help you decide, you should first run a pilot CPM campaign that will help you gauge results. Your CPM campaign and number of Clicks on your banner, will let you know exactly what your CTR (Click through Rate) is for your banner.

Your CTR will help you decide your campaign type - CPM or CPC ? If your CTR is high, you should go in for a CPM, if its low you should go in for a CPC.

The reason for this is simple. If you have a low CTR then you would rather only pay for the low traffic that comes to your site. If your CTR is high , then you don't mind paying CPM - because your cost will not escalate for more and more visitors that come to your site, but will remain the same.

I will explain the above, with a couple of examples -

Example 1

Lets suppose a website that you want to advertise on charges a CPM of $5.00 and a CPC of 50 cents.

And, you need to decide if you should go in for CPM or CPC ?

Lets suppose you first buy 1,000,000 impressions.

This works out to $5000 ($5 per 1000 impressions x 1000)

Now lets suppose your CTR is not good and is 0.2 % (or 2 clicks per 1000 ads)

Now, you need to calculate the amount you will pay of you had bought a CPC.

If your CTR is 0.2% and you display 1,000,000 ads, then this works out to ...

.002 x 1,000,000 = 2000 clicks.

So essentially you have paid $5000 for 2000 clicks or $2.50 per click!!

This means that I am better of buying on a CPC basis, because one click there costs me only 50cents! And if I go for CPC, then I will get 10,000 clicks for $5000 ... which is 5 times more than the clicks i get in the CPM model (2000).

Example 2

Lets assume that your banner ad turns out to be very good and gets a very good CTR of say 5%

Now you need to decide ..CPM or CPC.

Lets analyze as above -

I paid $5000 for 1,000,000 ads at 5% CTR

That means 5% x 1,000,000 ads were clicked on , which equals

= .05 (5%) x 1,000,000 = 50,000 clicks!

So for $5000 i got 50,000 clicks.

Now, if I had bought on a click basis, then at the CPC rate of (50cents) I will pay

50,000 x $0.50 amount for 50,000 clicks, which is $25,000 (5 times what I would pay with CPM, for the same traffic)

So, I am better of buying with a CPM system for this banner ad campaign

What about CPA ?

I have dedicated a separate chapter for this. This system is gaining popularity slowly. It seems to be the fairest system of all the three methods - specially when you are selling a product or service. Both Google and Yahoo are leaning towards taking their CPC system into a more fair and measurable CPA system. Google has recently launched Google Analytics and Google's version of PayPal (Google Checkout) - that is a positive and firm step towards its CPA plans.
Selling ad-space on your website - how much can you charge?

Nowadays CPM rates have fallen from highs of $50 to $10 to $2 in many cases.

If you have high traffic you may approach ad-networks, and they will serve out the ads for your website. They will give you a piece of code to insert into the pages of your website. You will get a Username and Password to login to a control panel area on the ad-networks main website, to see how your site is performing. Ad-networks pay you based on CPM or CPC, depending on what their client (the advertiser) opt for. They will take from 40% to 60% commission. This is acceptable, considering the fact that they get you the clients and revenues, and they have to manage all the advertising technology and payment systems.

Most of these ad-networks require that you have a certain number of impressions per month to qualify to become part of their network of websites. For example, DoubleClick requires at minimum 5 million monthly page impressions. There are many mid sized networks, like Advertising , fastclick , ValueClick (only CPC, owned partially by DoubleClick) and even smaller ad networks like, burstnet . You should visit adbalance to get a complete list and brief on popular ad networks.

Banner Management Software

If you would like to manage your own Clients and their banner ads for your website, you will need to develop an ad-serving engine or license a third party engine and install it on your website. You can get a list of free and paid software scripts that you can install on your website from or

I've spent 15 years in online Internet marketing. During this period i've read and learnt a lot from others - professionals and amatures. I've also devised many of my own ideas and experimentations. I've spent plenty of money purchasing and downloading ebooks that teach you specific techniques relating to making money online. Visit my blog for your free ebook and email course at SuccessOnline.IN

CPA Product Reviews

Maverick Money Makers

Friday, April 23, 2010

Find Out Your Dog Health Problems Now

As a pet owner, it is an important responsibility on your part to keep your dog healthy. You must bring your dog to the vet regularly. Even a healthy puppy will require many visits to the vet. Vaccinations, exams, worming, spaying, neutering and flea control are a few of the things that requires to be done to your dog on its first year of life to protect it from disease and other dog health problems.

Your dog cannot tell you when it feels sick. It is very important that you are familiar with your dog's normal behavior. Any sudden change to his physical or social behavior may signal the onset of a dog health problem, and early detection may save your dog's life. If your dog gets sick, take him to the vet right away. Veterinary care protects your health as well as your pet's, as the dog may carry a disease that can be transmitted to people. The most dangerous and well-known transmittable disease by far is rabies, a disease that causes almost certain death if not treated immediately.

You should learn to recognize signs of illness in your dog. A sick dog usually tires easily, drinks excessive amounts of water and/or refuse to eat. The other signs that can show are fever, runny or red eyes, dry nose, convulsions, and also dry cough. Frequent vomiting and loose bowel movement may also indicate a medical problem.

Parasitic worms are also a cause for concern as these parasites cause various dog health problems. Blood tests to check for heartworms should be included in your dog's annual checkup. These parasites are transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause serious illness. Your vet can prescribe you medicine that will protect your dog against heartworms.

Fleas and ticks are also a nuisance to your pet's health. They can cause anemia or paralysis. Keeping your dog clean and well groomed can help minimize this threat. Cleaning and dusting your pet's quarters with flea powder weekly can also help keep your dog free of fleas.

As an owner there are preventive measures that you can take in order to prevent dog health problems from manifesting. Make sure that you give your dog the best nutrition possible in order for him to develop a shield against common diseases associated with malnutrition or improper diet. Keep your pet healthy and in shape by giving him plenty of room and time to exercise. Follow your veterinarian's vaccination schedule and regularly bring your dog for check-ups in order to detect any early signs of trouble. Always, give your dog regular prevention medicine for his/hers heartworm and also the other parasites. Always keep your dog well-groomed and clean. Brush your dog's teeth or give it a tooth cleaning treat every week to avoid any gum or dental problems. Most of all, do not forget to give your dog lots of affection and firm but fair discipline to help keep him mentally healthy and happy.

Your vet can tell you more about common dog health problems for your dog's particular breed, so make sure you ask about them on your dog's next visit.

Want to learn more information on any dog health problems? Then Click Here to find out more.

Dog Supplements | Dog Vitamins

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aga Cookers Are The Heart of every Family Home

Over the past 70 years the aga cooker has been haled as the symbol of uk cookware. It is with out a doubt the reigning champion through out the uk and even over the water in the states it is growning with immense popularity.

The aga was invented by a physicist, what makes the Aga is unique because it cooks with brilliant heat, keeping in all the aromas flavours and juices from the oven. You will find it common in most houses that have an aga cooker that people tend to congregate in that general vicinity.

The nobel physicist that created the aga was awarded the nobel prize for making lighthouse automated his name was Nils Gustaf Dalen and the aga was his baby. One of the pivotal turning points for creating the aga was an accident at an industrial plant which subsequently blinded Dalen, the genius then spent a great deal of time at home and camr to the conclusion that the cooker his wife used just didnt cut the mustard and he deemed it inefficient. After 10 years of tremendous efforts at improving the cooker, the aga was born, the first model was then patented in 1922. It was named after Dalen's firm Akteibolaget Gas Accumulator, the Aga then made its way over to the uk sometime around 1930.

The aga cooker is powered by a single burner, most Agas run on either propane or natural gas. Although a few newer models have electric ovens as well, a good feature to an aga cooker is that you never have to turn them off thus there is no need to preheat the oven for when you are cooking. When entertaining, it is easy to cook many courses at the same time.

The premium aga cooker has to be the four oven aga, it has 4 separate ovens for baking, roasting, simmering and warming. These four ovens all keep a different temperature for their distinct tasks. Other good features that come with a four oven aga are a hotplate, a warming plate and an optional gas cook-top. The aga is made out of solid cast iron and coated with a fibre glass like resin, the aga cooker is available in 14 separate colours ranging from the conservative black or white to the exciting claret or aubergine and the aga has a very impressive life of 100 years!

KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer

KitchenAid Stand Mixer

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Digital Hearing aids: Why Do They Cost So Much?

The cost of one digital hearing aid can range from $1700 to $4,750 at the retail level. The costs are no doubt high but let's take a look on why digital hearing aids have such a high price tag especially compared to their analog cousins. One of the reasons that digital hearing aids bring high prices is because of all the time that is invested into research and development. Another reason for the high price is that these devices contain miniaturized computer chips, which makes them more expensive. You can always expect to pay more when you are buying the latest electronic gadgets and hearing aids are no different unfortunately.

Don't worry though; deals on digital hearing aids are available to a thrifty shopper. Keep in mind that there is a lot of competition between hearing aid suppliers. Also, the internet is allowing people to get much better deal. It is easy to save money if you take your time and shop around.

We all know that hearing aids are insanely expensive. However, if you look around you will be able to find some low cost alternatives out there. The Cost of digital hearing aids is based on the brand and model of hearing aid and what features it has.

For those people that have already wear analog devices, an upgrade to a digital model will provide stunning sound quality in normal day to day situations. A drastic improvement in hearing of normal everyday sounds is just the start. Where digital hearing aids really earn their money is eliminating background noise. Adjustments can be made without having to mess with the volume control.

The more money you are willing to spend the more you'll be impressed with the detail and quality of the sounds you can hear. If you are willing to get into the high end of digital hearing aids, you will be totally impressed with the things you can hear. Users report that they can hear even the faintest noises, and perhaps the most talked about results are the way these high end models are able to eliminate all feedback. These high tech devices also have a directional microphone which can be directed at the users front which will eliminate any surrounding noises.

If you decide that a digital hearing aid is for you then consult an audiologist. The audiologist will run test to find the degree and cause of your hearing impairment. Digital hearing aids are programmable so don't be surprised if you have to return to the doctor's office a number of times to get the device tuned in just to your liking. It might take some patience on your part but the advantages are very much worth it. Hearing aids are expensive, but you should not cut corners with something as important as your hearing.

Best of luck!

Affordable Hearing Aids Austin TX

Hearing Aid Styles Review Austin TX